sábado, 10 de julho de 2010

Prospecting plans for the new job...

Its almost confirmed: Next month, I´ll start my actvities as assistant professor at Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco at Garanhuns/PE(www.ufrpe.br).

I hope to develope some projects there like: Research in innovation, technology and related stuff; Implantation of a "Incabudora de empresas tecnológicas" inside the campus; Articulate a strong network with the main agents on the region.

Thanks God i already have some directions to follow, people for get introduced there and some key friends tha can collaborate with me on those tasks.

I intend to be a good professor, do an excellent and original research and as a citizen, colalborate for the growing of the city and its region.

Good airs inspire me for a while.
I can´t wait for to be there.


sábado, 19 de junho de 2010

Changing life's directions

Hi, folks

Long time since i wrote here.
This time I'm not gonna talk about tehcnical issues or stuff(To tell you the truth, i wrote just one post here =p).

Just share with you, reader, an important change in my professional life.

During the last ten years, i believed that i would find the perfetc job, a great leader who would make me feel proud in following him, an expert team to grow up together and duties that i would love to do.

But the real life is harder. And the initial dream was fading out for me month by month during the last two years.

Since i start to work at my present job, i realized that there was my place, that i would find everything that i was looking for, those things that made me move from my born city to another to live with roomates instead of be with my family.

But during the last year, things got more clear for me. I realized that the strategic directions of my board did not match with i believe to be the righ way. My team, despite of fact that all of us make a great group, was not a real team. We have expert skilled people walking in different paths. Including me, of course.

All this became my job a hard task to deal with. Every morning, to wake up and go to the job was not a good thing. I wasnt feel good at all. Something has to be changed.

And it did. After an entire week of written tests, classes to be teach, papers analysis etc, i passed on a public contest. Now, Im gonna work as a professor at Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco (http://www.ufrpe.br/).

In practice, my future plans were antecipated in about 4 years. I would do a PhD program first, that is, if i decided that. Actually, that was a great doubt in my head to be sulutioned this year. But the destiny decided that for me: suddenly, i was there. That was done. (Thanks Bruno Nogueira for join me on that adventure).

Talking to Nogueira, one day, i discovered that i have a kind of "maktub" for teach thing.
I remember be paing for teaching Math for two little girls when i was 10. My teach thing seems to be waking up finally.

I always believed that be a good professor would be a great task, that i would need to accomplish that, a huge experience on the market in different activities, that i would need a good network to be capable of make interesting projects for society. Yes, i think i was right and that i was on my way for that till now. Working at my present job, i had many opportunities to acquire those habilities and if i did not acquire what i should, now i know the path for doing that and make my own path. Afterwards, I learned a lot there with colleagues, with my clients at consulting activites, even with my " complicated" boss.

So, the " teach time has come" and i hope to be prepared. The thing is: I strongly disagree on how things at my present job are going. Not chances to me to change those. Im so weak, alone. We tried before. We tried for a long period, i must tell. But in public organizations, change is a slow and middling process. I have no time to wait anymore. I think to give my own blood even more its not worhtwhile. Afterall, i think i give my best but in return i got not enough to still believe on our directors. I believe that is the real reason for antecipate my move on the professional chess.

One of the greatest thing in life is that we dont know know the right moment to move, whats the best decision to take, what is ahead for us on the road. That would make life too predictible. Too boring.

Hoping be making the right move now, with no fear of make mistakes, here i go.
Just knowing that God, my family and friends will be there to give back on my feet when i need them.

(now)professor Alixandre Thiago

segunda-feira, 9 de fevereiro de 2009

IT Agenda 2009 by Gartner

Hi folks,

On last january, the Gartner group published its agenda for 2009 IT Issues.

The top one concern was Change the way the enterprise works and raise the efectiviness of IT (the hability to produce results at the same level of resources).

And how to build up the that efectviness?

We got those old known answers, here:

  1. Restructuring the IT organization
  2. Improving IT Governance
  3. Investing on skills of IT People.

and the big challenge for CIOs in the whole world, its to prove the IT value as resource and asset for the organizaton.

Once more, IT governance is listed as a mandatory requirement for the these needs

Organizations still have strong reasons to apply IT governance practices.

How about you?
Are you prepared for 2009?

segunda-feira, 9 de junho de 2008

Morre lentamente

Morre lentamente

Morre lentamente quem não viaja, quem não lê, quem não ouve música, quem não encontra graça em si mesmo.

Morre lentamente quem destrói o seu amor-próprio, quem não se deixa ajudar.

Morre lentamente quem se transforma em escravo do hábito, repetindo todos os dias os mesmos trajetos, quem não muda de marca, não se arrisca a vestir uma nova cor ou não conversa com quem não conhece.

Morre lentamente quem faz da televisão o seu guru.

Morre lentamente quem evita uma paixão, quem prefere o "preto sobre o branco" e os "pontos nos is" em detrimento de um redemoinho de emoções, justamente as que resgatam o brilho dos olhos, sorrisos dos bocejos, corações aos tropeços e sentimentos.

Morre lentamente quem não vira a mesa quando está infeliz, quem não arrisca o certo pelo incerto para ir atrás de um sonho, quem não se permite pelo menos uma vez na vida fugir dos conselhos sensatos.

Morre lentamente quem passa os dias queixando-se da sua má sorte ou da chuva incessante.

Morre lentamente quem abandona um projeto antes de iniciá-lo,não pergunta sobre um assunto que desconhece ou não responde quando lhe indagam sobre algo que sabe.

Evitemos a morte em doses suaves, recordando sempre que estar vivo exige um esforço muito maior que o simples fato de respirar.

Somente a perseverança fará com que conquistemos um estágio esplêndido de felicidade.

Pablo Neruda, poeta chileno